PFS have been providing athletic sports science support for over 14 years and now we are focusing on providing the psychology support to academy players and coaches from our online tool PFS11.
While we provide individual sport psychology support, the idea of the PFS 11 online tool is to provide a process and structure for coaches which enables them to access psychology information
Help you become a better coach
Help the individual development of your players
Create sustainable performance
Support well-being
Our structured psychological building process is as follows:
Stage 1 = needs analysis
Stage 2 = bespoke development
Stage 3 = progression
We realise coaches don’t have much free time to focus on areas apart from their actual coaching delivery that is why we have built this as a very easy process for coaches to use.
This will also meet the academy audit requirements as it provides:
- A program of age-appropriate psychology support and education for players, coaches and parents
- Age appropriate routine assessment to profile the player (u12-u21 age groups)
- Valid and reliable analysis utilising appropriate assessment choice (built and produced by skilled qualified practitioners)
Hopefully as an academy you will see the benefit of this product from two perspectives regarding sport psychology:
- Helping both your coaches and players reach their potential
- Meeting the requirements of the upcoming audit process